Its a hard day to begin. My eyes are weak as i don't have proper sleep. I gather all my strength keeping in my mind that " everything happen for good". I dedicate my time to learn lighting and lensing workshop with Sir,. Tanmay Agarwal. As i reach department at 9.40 in the morning. My classmate Jubaraj asks me "where are everybody? He continues speaking "its already 9. 40 and then he asks me to make a call and inform them to come as soon as possible. All of our classmates reached the department within five minute after the call. I feel happy as everyone of us realise the important of time and the purpose for the workshop.
Some of my friends are busy writing their blog in the internet room. I login my gmail account and reads my friends blog. Its already 10.30 am but Sir didn't not come yet. We waits for him as we read each others blog. It goes on for another 30 minutes, but still Sir do not show up. I begin to think there must be a logic and reason behind it as Sir Tanmay always comes up with new ideas. So, we reads again each others blog and makes some changes to our blog before he come.
At last, Sir came and wish us "good morning" with a gentle smile as usual. He take his seat and open his tabloid. He point out Mainak and read his blog line by line critically analysing every words he has written in his blog. Sir, Tanmay didn't get understand why and what his attention is all about in the blog. So he asks Mainak about his blog. It went on for around 20 minutes.
After that we went inside the classroom, collects scissors, camera, cutter, black chart paper and proceed to still photography department for making pin hole through DSLR body camera. We make a circle through black chart paper, cut it and pierce it in the middle forming hole in the middle. We cut the paper almost similar to the size of lens cover in the camera and paste it in DSLR body camera. Sir also tells us to take care of lens as we paste black pin hole hole paper to the camera. We carefully paste it with cellotape and place the lens in a clean table.
We went out for clicking picture with DSLR body pin hole camera inside the campus. These are some of the photographs-
Shutter speed- 1/50, F stop- 00, ISO- 1600, image- bridge 1.
We meet at Producing & Film building lawn after lunch. After that we went to our department and make Tanmukka Camera. We take out our chart paper, cutter and make it like we did it in pin hole camera. With the helps of the minifying glass, an image is formed in the screen.
1. Focus at infinity - when the object is at infinity, the lens is closer to the screen. And when the object is near to the camera, the lens go far towards the screen.
Shutter speed- 1/20 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 800, image- focus at infinity.
Shutter speed- 1/30 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 800, image- focus at nearer object.
2. Diameter varies, how it affects the image foreground and background?
A- when we look at the bigger diameter, the background is partly visible. But when we look at the smaller diameter the background and foreground is sharply visible.
Shutter speed- 1/50 F stop- 7.1, ISO- 800, image- bigger diameter.
Shutter speed- 1/6 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 800, image- smaller diameter.
3.Move closer to the subject with the camera foreground changes rapidly, background change gradually.
Shutter speed- 1/10 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 1600, image- long distance.
Shutter speed- 1/10 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 1600, image of middle disatnce.
Shutter speed- 1/10 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 1600, image at the closest distance..
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